New type of tax status would spare expats pain

May 24, 2024
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There are several types of company structures in Costa Rica. The two most common are the sociedad anónima and the S.R.L. However, there are only two types of tax statuses, active and inactive. This fact complicates tax filings for expats and is becoming more of a problem every day due to the enforcement of the […]

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Shaky domestic violence laws fracture families

May 10, 2024
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Domestic violence laws in Costa Rica seem to work when they should not and seemly do not work when they should. The law is also in direct contradiction to Article 52 of Costa Rica’s Constitution which states, “El matrimonio es la base esencial de la familia y descansa en la igualdad de derechos de los […]

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Smart money checking out those failed projects

April 26, 2024
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There are international developers currently looking for deals in Costa Rica. The past boom in the country created some opportunities because many projects were left unfinished when the market fizzled in late 2008. They are looking for the money trees of the next boom. However, some opportunities that look good are not what they appear […]

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Cloud computing is a big help to tourists and expats

April 12, 2024
Thumbnail image for Cloud computing is a big help to tourists and expats

There is great news for expats and tourists in the cloud. Speaking of cloud computing, that is. Most expats — people of other nationalities who have made Costa Rica their home — do not have a clue what the term cloud computing means even though the concept could greatly change their lives, especially those who […]

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Tax officials finally OK use of electronic records

March 29, 2024
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Here is some great news for green-minded expats. The Costa Rican tax department required all tax contributors to keep their account documents for five years and their accounting books up-to-date at all times. This meant gobs and gobs of paper and sufficient storage places to stash all the stuff. Not very green thinking. In a […]

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Pesky tax time is here again for corporations

March 15, 2024
Thumbnail image for Pesky tax time is here again for corporations

There is only one tax inactive companies need to pay every year. It is the education and culture tax. The tax is due by March 31 which falls on a Wednesday this year. However, it can be paid anytime during the month of March. Law 5923 requires the paying of this tax. Many people slough […]

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As realty cycle renews itself, buyers must be wary

March 1, 2024
Thumbnail image for As realty cycle renews itself, buyers must be wary

There is a much quoted phrase in Costa Rica between lawyers. Everything legal is not always right and everything right is not always legal. Many of the development projects of the last decade were put together by individuals with high hopes of raking in the dough selling to unsuspecting buyers. They skipped doing the correct […]

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